An interglobal organization, ILOA was founded as an international, scientific, educational non-profit independent enterprise in Hawai'i in 2007 with the stated purpose "to expand human understanding of the Cosmos through observation from the Moon, with Aloha".
In accord with the UN Outer Space Treaty of 1967 "that the Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes", and in accord with Hawai'i State and U.S. Federal law, ILOA works with major spacefaring entities Japan, China, India, Europe, Canada, and Russia*, as well as the USA, others, and independent enterprises toward these goals, "in peace for all", as affirmed by the Apollo 11 plaque emplaced by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
For ILOA free and peaceful international Moon cooperation, China (Zhongguo) is especially notable for its more than 10 years continuing peaceful, scientific exploration and constructive operation on the lunar surface. Advancing "equality and mutual benefit", its international cooperation policy is compatible with values proclaimed in that most egalitarian of American documents, the USA Declaration of Independence, whose truths self-evident affirm life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and firstly, equality.
With considerations of UN structure and function, protocols and precedents, ILOA pursues peaceful, responsible and sustainable exploration and development of the "8th continent" of the Moon consistent with norms and behavior established on the 7th continent of Antarctica, where peaceful scientific activities only, no military practices or weapons, have been pursued by more than 30 nations since the 1959 Antarctic Treaty.
ILOA supports the ILRS International Lunar Research Station and advocates a China-style “CLPS” Commercial Lunar Payload Services program for its advancement, supports the Artemis Accords and advocates NGO Non-Government Organization participation in them, and advances egalitarian considerations for cislunar development and Earth’s Moon.
* ILOA also supports the UN majority ongoing resolutions for Russia immediate peaceful, non-military activity.